
hot buttered beer

Hot Buttered Beer

To make Hot Buttered Beer:- ORIGINAL RECIPE – “The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin” c.1594 (or 1588) Take three pintes of Beere, put five yolkes of Egges to it, straine them together, and set it in a pewter pot to the fyre, and put to it halfe a pound of Sugar, one penniworth of […]

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Buttered Apple Whisky

Buttered Apple Whisky

Until we started our journey of trying every Hot Cocktail recipe that we could find, and making up our own when we couldn’t,  the idea of adding butter to a cocktail seemed unthinkable, try this recipe for Buttered Apple Whisky and it could change your mind forever. Ingredients: 60ml Whisky 20g Butter 30ml Pumpkin Spice

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hot buttered pineapple rum

Hot Buttered Pineapple Rum

Hot buttered pineapple rum is a wonderful drink for any time of the year and very moorish. It is both sweet and warm, which is just the kind of comfort you want as the sun goes down. This recipe is very simple.  Adding more butter will add richness and playing around with the spice mix is

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red wine hot chocolate

Hot Buttered Rum

Hot buttered rum is a wonderful winter drink and very moorish. It is both sweet and warm, which is just the kind of comfort you want on the coldest days of the year. This recipe is straightforward and we don’t claim any credit for it. We have adjusted the quantities to suit a single serving and

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