When you think of peanuts and drinks you will usually picture a small packet of dry roasted next to a pint of beer, lager or cider, not as peanut butter combined with rum. You are about to be enlightened.
Who would have guessed that peanut butter had its origins in Montreal, Canada? Marcellus Edson obtained a patent in 1884 for the method of producing peanut butter from roasted peanuts. The peanuts were milled into a fluid state and sugar was added to thicken it up.
In 1898 John Kellog obtained a patent for almost the same thing but he was using boiled peanuts. He needed a protein-rich food that could be eaten without chewing by patients at Kellog’s Western Health Reform Institute. Originally it was an expensive product but mass production has enabled it to be a household commodity nowadays.
I could be wrong but I am certain that this would have been Blackbeard’s favourite drink. If only milk frothers had been invented in the 1700’s, and electricity and peanut butter… The delicious combination of peanuts and coconuts is surprisingly tasty, you could be experimenting with this recipe all night long.
- 50ml Malibu
- 1tsp smooth peanut butter
- Water to fill
- Put everything in your milk frother and then top the liquid level up to the max with water.
- Replace the lid and press start. Be careful when first starting your milk frother, it takes a few seconds for the peanut butter to dissolve so hold on tight until it settles down a bit.
- Wait until your milk frother has finished and pour straight into your pre-warmed glass.
- Enjoy your coconut, peanut butter and rum combination that we’ve called “Nutty Pirate”.
Mark’s Top Tip. Malibu is a premium product and you may find that substituting it for a mix of bog standard white rum and coconut liqueur may give you a very similar taste sensation. It did for me!