As the leaves turn from green through various hues and shades before dropping from the trees and signalling that winter is at hand, make sure that you celebrate the orange tints with a glorious glass of Orange Pumpkin. It will make the cold go away and lift your spirits.
We’ve been so lucky for the last couple of years to be able to visit Germany in the autumn. The weather is extraordinarily warm, and there are so many things to see and do. Prices, food and drink are fairly similar to the UK, if not similar then recognisable. The language isn’t too hard to mangle either, “Kann ich bitte ein bier haben” usually works. If they reply to you in German pretend you understood and say “groß” so you don’t get a small glass.
One of the things that we noticed touring around the countryside were roadside displays of pumpkins, all shapes and sizes, ready to help yourself and then put some money into the honesty box. It wasn’t always easy to stop by the roadside when you’re hurtling along at 70mph in a motorhome. Next time we’re there I promise to stop and look and then buy.
- 50ml Gordons Gin
- 40ml Pumpkin Spice Syrup
- Orange juice to top up
- Put all of the ingredients into your Milk Frother and then top up with orange juice to the max mark.
- Replace the lid and then press the start button and wait until finished.
- Meanwhile, heat up your glass using hot water from a kettle.
- When your milk frother has finished, empty the water out of the glass and fill with your Hot Cocktail.
- Enjoy your Orange Pumpkin.
Mark’s Top Tip: I tried 25ml of the Pumpkin Spice syrup in my first test but the spice was slightly drowned out by the flavour of the hot orange juice. The extra hit of pumpkin spice really made a terrific difference. Decorate with thin slices of orange or a cherry.