Cider and winter warming spices, try it at Halloween with pumpkin spices, nothing says Autumn quite like a perfectly balanced glass of Mulled Cider. Don’t buy it ready-made, this method is so simple, anyone could do it.
Any of the winter spices are suitable for this recipe, just alter the amounts and the spices – if you don’t like cloves just leave them out, I won’t tell on you! I’ve listed five spices here, choose three, see if you like it and add and subtract to suit your taste. Whole spices are easier to remove and don’t leave ‘bits’, just be aware that ground spices may leave some remains in the bottom of your glass.
- Star Anise
- 1 Clove
- Allspice
- Cardamom pods
- Small cinnamon stick
- Cider to fill
- 50g demerara sugar
- Orange and or lemon to decorate
- Put the spices and sugar into a milk frother and then top the liquid level up to the max with cider.
- Replace the milk frother lid and press start.
- Wait until your milk frother has finished and strain straight into your glass.
- Decorate with orange and or apple slices.
- Enjoy your Mulled Cider.
Try different ciders, dry, sweet or medium and vary the sugar quantities to suit.
Lucy’s Top Tip:– Save the hassle of adding in lots of different spices and try adding in Pumpkin Spice Syrup. I like a strong spice taste and use 35ml per serving.
We tried using a Schwartz Mulled Cider Spice Mix twice. The spice mix comes in sachets similar to tea bags and smells incredible. I topped up our milk frother with cider, added a sachet and then pressed go. The sachet floated on the top surface and whizzed round and round, not really infusing all of its flavours into the cider. The mulled cider that it made tasted fantastic so I thought why not make another mulled cider with the same sachet. This time the sachet sunk to the bottom and got caught in the whisk attachment and made the milk frother go out of balance, seriously out of balance, and I had to hold on tight to stop hot cider going everywhere. Now we just dunk the sachets in hot cider.