How did we come up with the name, Denzil’s Nightnurse? My Dad, Den(zil), is of that generation that huddled around their wireless sets to listen to the Ovaltiney’s on Radio Luxemburg. That must be why he is still one of life’s ‘Happy Boys and Girls’ after more than eighty years. This drink has hints of Ovaltine from the Maltesers but I think he rather enjoyed the Brandy. It certainly helped him fall asleep quickly.
I didn’t realise that Ovaltine is owned by Twinings but that seems to be the way with all products nowadays. I find Ovaltine to be far too malty for me even though malt is the main ingredient in beer and whisky, two of my pleasures in life. This version, using the Malteser spread, has just the right amount of malt without going over the top.
- 50ml Brandy
- 1tsp Malteser Chocolate Spread
- Milk or single cream
- Put the brandy and Malteser chocolate spread into your Milk Frother and then top up with single cream or milk (or a mix of each) to the max mark.
- Replace the lid and then press the start button and wait until finished.
- Meanwhile, heat up the glass using hot water from your kettle.
- When your milk frother has finished, empty the water out of the glass and fill with your Hot Cocktail.
- Enjoy your Denzil’s Nightnurse and sleep tight.
If it’s not quite to your taste, experiment. Does it need more or less brandy, chocolate spread or milk/cream? You be the judge.
Denzil’s tip of the day:- Mix it up a bit by replacing the brandy with rum or whisky.