As puddings go, you would be hard-pressed to top a good Bramble Crumble. If you don’t have the ingredients, or time, to make the full-blown dessert, why not just give the Bramble Cocktail a try. All the taste with very little of the washing up, result!
There are plenty of Blackberry Cocktail recipes on the internet, we’ve chosen this one from Delish as the starting point for our Hot Cocktail version.
Did you know that Blackberries are members of the Rose family, Rosaceae? Many economically important products come from the Rosaceae. It includes many edible fruits, such as apples, pears, quinces, apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries, loquats, strawberries, rose hips and almonds. It’s amazing what Wikipedia can tell you.
- 25ml Dry Gin
- 25ml Blackberry Liqueur
- 20ml Maple Syrup
- Splash of lemon juice
- Ginger Beer to fill
- Put everything into your Milk Frother and then top up with lemonade to the max mark.
- Replace the lid and then press the start button and wait until finished.
- Meanwhile, heat up your glass using hot water from a kettle.
- When your milk frother has finished, empty the water out of the glass and fill with your Hot Cocktail.
- Enjoy your Bramble Cocktail.
Lucy’s Top Tip: If you are after a more ‘ginny’ cocktail, just double the gin content and use 25ml of blackberry syrup or freshly mashed blackberries, as in our Blackberry Lemon Smash recipe.