Hot Gin & Bitter Lemon

hot gin and bitter lemon

You can’t get through a hot summer without a chilling glass of Gin & Tonic. I like to mix it up every so often with a Gin & Bitter Lemon, they are both fantastic thirst quenchers, so why not try a Hot Gin & Bitter Lemon in the cooler months?

Since no one has invented a Hot Gin & Bitter Lemon until now, I’ve had to base my quantities on whatever I can find on the internet. I found Inshaker who have posted a very simple recipe with the nice touch of a piece of grapefruit as a garnish. I’ve added the honey to balance out the sharpness of the bitter lemon as it is heated.

I’ve specified Gordon’s Gin as the main spirit component but as I’ve noted elsewhere, there is no need to pay extra for a good gin. My personal favourite gin is called Castelgy and you can buy it in the Spanish Lidls for €4.20 for 750ml. Guess why it is my favourite gin?

After spending a whole afternoon in Wetherspoons, going through every gin they sell, I worked out that by the second glass that they all tasted pretty much the same. You can pretend they all taste different but I know otherwise.



  1. Put the gin into your Milk Frother and then top up with bitter lemon to the max mark.
  2. Replace the lid and then press the start button and wait until finished.
  3. Meanwhile, heat up a glass using hot water from your kettle.
  4. When your milk frother has finished, empty the water out of the glass and fill with your Hot Gin & Bitter Lemon. Add honey to taste.

Mark’s Top Tip: Be careful with the bitter lemon, it has a tendency to fizz up at the beginning of the heating cycle.